Top 5 most effective VPS management software today

VPS (Virtual Private Server) is increasingly popular. However, beginner users will often face many problems in managing them. You are wondering which VPS management software to choose. Dainty Cloud will help you get the most suitable choice in the article below.
Notes before choosing a management software for VPS
Each VPS management software has its advantages and disadvantages, suitable for different operating systems. Therefore, depending on the needs of users and the operation of different systems, each business can choose the most suitable VPS management software for themselves. Pay attention to your budget and consider which software to choose to save money. Of course, there will also be free software. Operational efficiency is also a point to consider.
Top 5 most effective VPS management software
Users can use PuTTY to manage VPS for many different operating systems such as Windows, Unix, Mac OS, Symbian, Android,… PuTTY is software used to control the Server through the Internet. PuTTY supports quite a few network protocols, including SSH, SCP, Telnet, rlogin,… Moreover, this software supports many variants on remote terminals which are quite secure. It supports IPv6, SSH protocols, and deferred OpenSSH compressions. It uses the serial port connections in the LAN.

Instructions for installing PuTTY are as follows: starting the installation process will display the welcome configuration screen, click Next; Next, the screen asks for the destination folder to install the software, continue to click Next; You then choose which product features to install; Finally, click Install to be able to install the software. The completed installation is on the screen. Then click Finish to confirm completion and exit the installation. After successful installation, click on the software that displays the PuTTY Configuration window.
Remote Desktop Connection Manager
This software is the most useful VPS management solution for Windows VPS users. With this solution, users can easily centrally manage and control their computer at any time, anywhere, with full functionality as when using it directly on that computer. Besides, it also supports users to protect connections from attacks or external threats by controlling traffic.

After downloading and installing Remote Desktop Connection Manager software, create a VPS Group on this software. After that, you can add VPS with any number by right-clicking on the group, choosing Add Server. Enter the IP, Username, and Password of the VPS in the new window that appears to log in VPS and save it. The same goes for other VPSs that will be added to Teams and managed in a very convenient window.
EasyEngine is a VPS and Server management tool dedicated to WordPress, for users who want to use the command line. It’s free. EasyEngine can run on any Linux operating system (Ubuntu or CentOS), even Mac. A notable feature of EasyEngine will help users install an optimal stack for WordPress. EasyEngine uses Nginx Web Server instead of Apache, so it can accommodate more visitors at the same time. Besides, when using. EasyEngine also configures cache to optimize users’ WordPress Websites. The EasyEngine administration tool also provides users with many commands to add, remove and configure the Website. Therefore, users will somewhat limit the need to manipulate the command line on VPS.

With Kpanel, users can easily manage quite simply and effectively. Kpanel is considered to have a friendly and easy-to-understand interface. It saves time creating, deleting, or backing up databases. When using this software, users will be automatically installed SSL Certificate (link) completely free, along with high-security features.

The software possesses outstanding features such as:
• Install SSL Certificate automatically, and it’s free.
•CSF Firewall is an automatically installed firewall utility that blocks IPs, closes or opens VPS ports quickly.
• Allow installing Redis, Opcache, Memcached to automatically increase website speed.
• Friendly menu interface, saving time creating, deleting, restoring databases.
VPSSIM is a utility that automatically installs and optimizes Nginx – PHP – MariaDB (LEMP) for Centos VPS. The remarkable advantage of VPSSIM is that it has many functions, is friendly, and is easy to understand. VPSSIM only runs on SSH and does not run in the background, so it does not consume VPS resources when not in use. Thereby users can save a lot of time and effort when managing VPS.

Other advantages of VPSSIM such as:
- Support in installing Nginx, MariaDB, PHP 7.2, and integrating Google PageSpeed module to speed up the website.
- Assist in WordPress installation, auto-configuration of cache plugins for WordPress.
- Support to install some forums such as PHPBB, MyBB, and SMF forum.
- Integrated with an automatic system monitoring function, VPSSIM will automatically email notifications when one of 3 services: MySQL, Nginx, or PHP is stopped on VPS.
- Integrate the function of installing free SSL via Let’s Encrypt or PaidSSL (Comodo, Symantec, …) for the website.
- Integrated security functions.
- Integrate the function of installing and creating FTP accounts for each website on VPS.
- Support configuration for limiting the number of files allowed to upload and size for each FTP account.
- Built-in website backup function and website restore function.
Dainty Cloud hopes you can choose for yourself the best VPS management software through the suggestions above. Any suggestions, please send to our contact channels. Thanks for following this post!